Harden Murrumburrah Express
Bringing all the latest local news, opinions and everything that's happening to readers in the Harden district the Harden Express is now an online newspaper which can be accessed via hardenexpress.com.au

A strong farming community the town is also a rich rural centre producing some of the finest rural products in Australia

Located in the Hilltops region of NSW the town is full of charm and history dating back to Australia’s gold rush days.

First discovered in the 1850s gold drew Chinese and European miners to the area and bushrangers followed with Ben Hall often frequenting the area.

In recent years it has become a popular destination for history buffs interested in its Light Horse Memorial commemorating the birthplace of the First Australian Light Horse regiment in 1897.

In July 2022 a life-size model sculpture of Australia’s greatest warhorse, Bill the Bastard was unveiled in the town.

The town also hosts a colourful Kite Festival.